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Business Prayer Network is a non-profit organization committed to providing
Bible-based and faith filled prayer for every aspect of business operations at absolutely no cost and no strings attached. 

Concerned Christians from all Christian denominations in prayer ‘One Hour, per Month’ 

together for our nation’s multifaceted  spiritual, moral, financial and racial challenges.

Come, pray and seek our Heavenly Father’s intervention in the darkest immoral time in human history,

that the Light of Christ’s love will shine bright

and expel the darkness of deception, perversion and corruption

in every pocket of society across our nation and around the world.

In-person Meetings postponed


2nd Thursdays of the Month

9:AM — 1AM 


Meeting ID pastor562

Dial in 701-802-5480

Access Code 816866



Intercessors World Wide is a ministry dedicated to provide prayer support for those who are facing the trauma of terminal sickness, and life threatening circumstances beyond their control.


Intercessors positioned around the globe are alerted by an email distribution list, who immediately engage in ‘actual’ prayer for those individuals and their families.

Prayer request of a sensitive nature are treated with utmost confidentiality, whenever requested.

These faithful Prayer Servants pray for people they have never met, and stand in the gap for them as a personal friend would. Our prayer has touched and restore many people in various countries, as God intervened through the prayers of our intercessors.

Pray with us Today - we'll pray with you Tomorrow

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